
Adventure, Featured, Hiking

There, among some young pine trees and furze bushes

And his mount! How can earthly words describe it! It towered ten feet at the shoulder; had four legs on either side; a broad flat tail, larger at the tip than at the root, and which it held straight out behind while running; a gaping mouth which split its head from its snout to its …...

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Adventure, Animal

I should have had the surprise of my life, but I did not know at that time

“Have they ever subjected you to cruelty and ignominy, Dejah Thoris?” I asked, feeling the hot blood of my fighting ancestors leap in my veins as I awaited her reply. Only in little ways, John Carter,” she answered. “Nothing that can harm me outside my pride. They know that I am the daughter of ten …...

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Camping, Featured

Rocky Mountain: History & Culture

It but remains for this council to command, and Tal Hajus must prove his fitness to rule. Were he a brave man he would invite Tars Tarkas to combat, for he does not love him, but Tal Hajus is afraid; Tal Hajus, your jeddak, is a coward. With my bare hands I could kill him, …...

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Hike Of The Week, Photos, Rafting/Kayaking

White Water Rafting: Top 5 U.S. Locations

It did so indeed, and much sooner than she had expected: before she had drunk half the bottle, she found her head pressing against the ceiling.

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